Category: Articles

Articles about Takumakai Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu

Shu Ha Ri

Shu Ha Ri describes the traditional pathways of learning to mastery. In summary it means to begin by embracing the form, then once this has become a part of the practitioner, to explore the...

Dynamic Daito-ryu

The above clip is an old movie from the 1970s detailing Soden Waza, these techniques are unique to the Takumakai. Featured in the video are two of my teachers. Amatsu sensei at 7m06s who...

History of Daito-ryu

Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu is one of the Kobudo. The detail of its development in the Edo period (1603 -1868) and before is not clear. There are no books and no records about Daito-ryu. Perhaps...

Daito Ryu in Australia

is a traditional Japanese martial art which is said to be about one thousand years old. However, it was only opened to the public for the first time by one hundred years ago. Takeda...

Curriculum and Technique in Takumakai Daito-ryu

Techniques The movements of Daito-ryu are based on the movements of Kenjutsu. Some Aiki Jujutsuka also study Onoha Itto-ryu (Takeda-ha) as an adjunct to the study of Aiki Jujutsu technique. It is understood that...

What is Daito ryu Aiki Jujutsu

Daito ryu Aiki Jujutsu is an ancient Japanese Martial Art that is said to have originated in the 11th century of feudal Japan. There are over 2800 techniques in Daito ryu Aiki Jujutsu. The...

Daito-ryu & Other Aiki Arts

Aikido is one of the most popular martial arts in the world with many styles now proliferating around the globe. On a personal level, Aikido was my first martial art and I still am...

Why Is Daito-ryu Different?

 Many self defence and martial art systems rely heavily on speed and power. Most commonly they consist of hard punches, kicks and other strikes and blocks. Many grappling styles rely on strength and body...

Three Great Teachers

One of the things that is very interesting about the Takumakai`s Daito-ryu is that it has captured the essence of the teachings of two of Japan`s greatest post Meiji era martial artists. Within this...